Everweb browser background image
Everweb browser background image


In your CSS styles, if you want to load cat-pic-1.jpg as a background image, the file path needs to: This website contains the index.html file in the project root, a css folder that contains the style.css file, and an img folder that contains the image cat-pic-1.jpg. To help explain this, let’s say you have a website file structure like this: (project folder) So if your CSS file is in a subfolder, the path may need to be different than if the CSS file was in your root. The location of the image file needs to be relative to the location of the CSS file itself, not your website root. If this is happening, double-check that the image filename matches the actual file, and that the path in the background-image: url() is going to the correct location. If the background image doesn’t seem to be loading, and you see a 404 error in the inspector for the image, that’s a good indicator that there’s an issue with the image itself.


How to tell if the background-image is loaded correctly or not?


Again, you will want to open your code inspector in the browser to check. Once you have made sure that your CSS file is linked correctly, also check that the image itself is set correctly. Make sure the image path is set correctly in the background-image url. For example, if you’re using a templated CMS (content management system) where there is shared code. You may need this if you have pages in different subfolders that are all loading the same  code. This will make sure that the path will start at your website root. I usually put a forward slash / before the path, for example: href="/style.css". If the CSS file is in the same directory as your HTML file, you can set href to be style.css (or whatever your CSS filename is). The path needs to be relative to where your HTML file is. Make sure that the href attribute is loading the same filename as your actual CSS file, and that the path is correct. If you see one of these errors and your website looks unstyled, the first thing to check is In the  tag. was blocked due to MIME type mismatch, that tells you that there was a problem loading the CSS file.

everweb browser background image

In the inspector, if you see an error that says 404 not found for the CSS file, or The resource. You can also check your browser’s inspector tool by right-clicking anywhere in the page and selecting “Inspect Element” or pressing Ctrl-Shift-I. One sign is if you load your website and the background is white, all the text looks like Times New Roman font, and there are no colors or other styles.

everweb browser background image

This tag should be located inside the  tags, and should look something like this: How can you tell if your CSS file is loaded correctly or not? In order for your CSS styles to get loaded in your website, you need to add a  tag in your HTML file. Check that your CSS file is linked correctly in your HTML file.

everweb browser background image

To help with that, here are four ways to fix your background-image not working, using HTML and CSS: 1. Because even if you set it in the code, there are other factors that may prevent the background-image from showing up on the page. Working with background images in CSS can be tricky.

Everweb browser background image